Forum access cleanout

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Joined: Sun Oct 13, 2002 1:42 pm

Forum access cleanout

Post by Drakfot » Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:40 pm

Due to many inactive members I have removed access to sections for those whom's activity has been non-existant the last few months, both in game and on forum (Also those being absent for some time without specifying a reason or noting us about being away for a extended while).
Note that the account itself it NOT removed, you are still able to log into the forum as usual, but you may not have access to the different sections you had prior. If you feel that you have lost access and want to regain it, send me a PM or talk with someone whom can contact me about restoring the access. If access is restored and not used, except letting us know you have to be away for some time or something similar, the access will be revoked again.

I am but a crafter of words
